Working with the API
Most actions against the backend require you to be logged in as a user with the appropriate permissions. By sending a request like:
POST /users/admin/login?password=login
your authentication request will be validated, and a session token
will be returned in the JSON response for your request. To remain
authenticated, provide this token with subsequent requests in the
header. For example:
X-ArchivesSpace-Session: 8e921ac9bbe9a4a947eee8a7c5fa8b4c81c51729935860c1adfed60a5e4202cb
Since not all backend/API end points require authentication, it is best to restrict access to port 8089 to only IP addresses you trust. Your firewall should be used to specify a range of IP addresses that are allowed to call your ArchivesSpace API endpoint. This is commonly called whitelisting or allowlisting.
Example requests using CURL
Send request to authenticate:
curl -s -F password="admin" "http://localhost:8089/users/admin/login"
This will return a JSON response that includes something like the following:
{ "session":"9528190655b979f00817a5d38f9daf07d1686fed99a1d53dd2c9ff2d852a0c6e", ....}
It’s a good idea to save the session key as an environment variable to use for later requests:
#Mac/Unix terminalexport SESSION="9528190655b979f00817a5d38f9daf07d1686fed99a1d53dd2c9ff2d852a0c6e"
#Windows Command Promptset SESSION="9528190655b979f00817a5d38f9daf07d1686fed99a1d53dd2c9ff2d852a0c6e"
#Windows PowerShell$env:SESSION="9528190655b979f00817a5d38f9daf07d1686fed99a1d53dd2c9ff2d852a0c6e"
Now you can make requests like this:
curl -H "X-ArchivesSpace-Session: $SESSION" "http://localhost:8089/repositories/2/resources/1
The ArchivesSpace API provides CRUD-style interactions for a number of different “top-level” record types. Working with records follows a fairly standard pattern:
# Get a paginated list of accessions from repository '123' GET /repositories/123/accessions?page=1
# Create a new accession, returning the ID of the new record POST /repositories/123/accessions {... a JSON document satisfying JSONModel(:accession) here ...}
# Get a single accession (returned as a JSONModel(:accession) instance) using the ID returned by the previous request GET /repositories/123/accessions/456
# Update an existing accession POST /repositories/123/accessions/456 {... a JSON document satisfying JSONModel(:accession) here ...}
Performing API requests
Additional documentation is needed for these sections - please consider contributing documentation via a pull request to this repo
GET requests
Resolving associated records
Additional documentation needed
Requests for paginated results
Additional documentation needed
Working with long results sets
Additional documentation needed
Search requests
Additional documentation needed
POST requests
Updating existing records
Additional documentation needed
Creating new records
Additional documentation needed
DELETE requests
Additional documentation needed