The Docker configuration is used to create automated builds on Docker Hub, which are deployed to the latest version when the build completes.
Please note:
- Docker is not supported as an install method.
- Docker configuration is being used for internal purposes only.
- Use of Docker by anyone else is “use at your own risk”.
- Docker related files may be updated at anytime without warning or presence in release notes.
Custom builds
Run ArchivesSpace with MySQL, external Solr and a Web Proxy. Switch to the branch you want to build:
bash#if you already have running containers and want to clear them outdocker-compose stopdocker-compose rm
#build the local imagedocker-compose build # needed whenever the branch is changed and ready to testdocker-compose up
#running specific containersdocker-compose up -d db solr # in backgrounddocker-compose up app web # in foreground>to access running containerdocker exec -it archivesspace_app_1 bash
Sharing an image
To share the build image the easiest way is to create an account on Docker Hub. Next retag the image and push to the hub account:
DOCKER_ID_USER=exampleTAG=awesome-updatesdocker tag archivesspace_app:latest $DOCKER_ID_USER/archivesspace:$TAGdocker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/archivesspace:$TAG
To download the image: docker pull example/archivesspace:awesome-updates